4 - Believing in Yourself, The Hardest Work

Season #1 Episode #4

  • This week I begin to break down the four table legs, so to speak, on the DRD framework - believing in yourself.
  • It’s certainly the hardest part of getting the whole dating and relationship piece to get nailed down.
  • I believe mastering this will attract others to you more than looks, money, or what you’re able to do.

Exactly what does it mean to believe in yourself?

  • Sometimes believing in yourself - and I mean really believing to your unshakeable core - can take a while. 
  • It’s more than saying affirmations, although those help. It’s about knowing and staying with your worth IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY.
  • This is what I experienced in the first date I had with my husband. Listen to Episode 1. He was clearly uncomfortable with me as a PWD, but I didn’t allow that to sway me from feeling worthy, knowing my potential, and communicating that.

How do you cultivate a POSITIVE belief in yourself?

  • May sound counterintuitive, but you have to first look at what beliefs are holding you back and keeping you from believing more positively in yourself?
  • Really look at these beliefs and ask, are they helping me get to where I want to be. Challenge your own thinking.
  • Focus on the positives in yourself. Look would you go in a job interview thinking well, I suck at this, why would anyone hire me? No, you sell yourself and your assets! The same is true in dating.

Where Do We Go From Here? 

  • Believe, believe, believe.
  • Your mind is a computer that needs to be reprogrammed. Get those nasty viruses out of there. 
  • You begin this by catching yourself every time you have a negative belief about yourself. Say, “I don’t have time for this,” and choose a more positive thought/belief.



Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com "Successful Motivation"
Artwork photo by Elevate

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Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate